You should use Sakai to submit your work. Assignments should be submitted using the Assignments tab and journals in the Discussion tab. This is a tentative schedule.

Module Deliverables Due Date
M1 J1 Entry: Tuesday Sep 5th
Comment: Friday Sep 8th
M2 J2 Entry: Tuesday Sep 12th
Comment: Friday Sep 15th
M3 A1 - Rooftop PV with SAM
Sakai link
Sep 25th
M4 J3 Entry: Tuesday Oct 3rd
Comment: Friday Oct 6th
M5 A2 - Independent Power Producer (IPP) reservoir scheduling
Sakai link
Oct 13th
Final Project FP1 - Team & Proposal Sakai Link Oct 20th
M6 A3 - PV + Storage management system
Sakai Link
Oct 27th
M7 No assignments -
M8 J4 Entry: Thursday Nov 2nd
Comment: Monday Nov 6th
M9 A4
Sakai Link
Nov 17th
M10 No assignments -
Final Project FP2 - Presentation Deck
Sakai link
Dec 1st



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You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...

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Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...

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