Learning Objectives

In this module we will continue talking about distributed generation from a grid integration perspective. The learning outcomes of this module are:

  • Understanding the challenges from a distribution grid operation perspective;
  • Understanding the challenges from a DG optimization perspective - siting and sizing, planning;
  • Overview of the Solar Industry outlook in U.S. and rest of the world;
  • Understanding the duck curve, renewable curtailment and discussing ways to flatten the curve.


Here is a link to the slide deck used in class.

Recordings (optional)


Additional information and resources for this module will be found below.

For more info on active and reactive power please watch the video linked below:

For more info on black start please watch the video linked below:

Topics for Discussion/Reflection

  • Grid Resilience and Stability: Discuss the challenges posed by the intermittent nature of distributed generation sources like solar and wind power and how they affect grid stability and resilience. Discuss technical issues such as voltage regulation, frequency control, and power quality problems that arise when integrating distributed generation into the grid.

  • Grid Modernization Initiatives: Discuss specific grid modernization initiatives and case studies that highlight successful strategies for integrating distributed generation.

  • Microgrids: Examine the role of microgrids in facilitating distributed generation integration, enhancing grid resilience, and providing localized energy solutions.

  • Grid Planning and Investment: Discuss the challenges associated with planning and investing in the grid infrastructure needed to accommodate distributed generation, including the potential for grid congestion.

  • Economic and Market Challenges: Examine the economic implications of distributed generation integration, including its impact on electricity pricing, market structures, and business models for utilities.

  • Policy and Regulatory Barriers: Discuss the regulatory and policy hurdles that can hinder the smooth integration of distributed generation, such as net metering, tariff structures, and incentives.

  • International Perspectives: Compare the challenges and solutions for distributed generation integration in different countries and regions, taking into account varying regulatory frameworks and grid infrastructures.


For this module you will do a journal entry using Sakai discussion. Here is the journal entry J3 link. The due date for J3 is Tuesday Oct 3rd for journal entries and Friday Oct 6th for journal comments.