Learning Objectives

In this module we will discuss the changes in electricity distribution from an Information & Comunication Perspective. The module has three learning goals.

  • Discuss smart meters and all the information they are adding to grid operation. Smart meter deployment is the first step to a smarter grid and it’s important to understand how information is transmitted, challenges encountered and how they can enable a smarter energy consumption behavior.
  • Discuss end user perspective. How to engage consumer and change their behavior towards sustainability? What’s the utility perspective on how electricity distribution will change? New challenges and need for grid adaptation.
  • Explore two case studies on smart meter adoption, key findings on smart meter deployment experience in Vermont and Sweden


Here is a link to the slide deck used in class.

Recordings (optional)


Required Reading: Chapter 1 from the book Smart Grids From a Global Perspective.

Chapter 1

Optional reading:

For more information on the surveys conducted please refer to the following files.

For more information on difusion of Smart meter in the US please refer to the PhD thesis below.

For those of you curious about Apple’s Clean Energy Charge option you can find more info on Apple’s website. The idea is that IOS will “wait” to charge the iPhone at a time when power grids are less constrained and more clean energy capacity is available. Please visit the link below for more details on how it works.

Topics for Discussion/Reflection

  • How much the advent and success of Smart Grids depend on the full roll out of Smart Meters?

  • Knowing how the internet developed and changes our daily lives, can we draw a parallel with Smart Grids and predict their evolution in the future?

  • How to educate consumers on how to use smart grid?


For this module you will do a journal entry using Sakai discussion. Here is the journal entry J2. The due date for J2 is Tuesday Sept 13 for journal entries and Friday Sept 15th for journal comments.