Learning Objectives

In this module we will shift the discussion to electricity generation. The learning outcomes of this module are:

  • Understanding the definition and characteristics of distributed generation;
  • Learning the main differences between conventional and renewable generation;
  • Learning the state of art of renewable resources deployment in the U.S. and world wide;
  • Understanding the challenges of renewable energy integration to the power grid;
  • Exploring possible solutions for renewable resources intermittency;
  • Explore a case study on behind-the-meter (BTM) electricity generation.


Here is a link to the slide deck used in class on the first part on how electricity generation will change. And here is another deck on distributed generation.

Recordings (optional)


Additional information and resources for the data presented in this module will be found below.

Additional material on distributed generation.

For information on how to download/install SAM and additional resources to get started please visit this website and watch the video “Introduction to SAM 2020.2.29”.

Topics for Discussion/Reflection

  • How do we deal with renewable energy source intermittency?
  • Where do you think DG would have the greatest advantage?
  • What do you see as the biggest obstacle to DG? How could it be overcome?


For this module you will complete Assignment 1. The due date for A1 is Friday Sept 22nd.